A means for diagnosing Traumatic Brain Inury.
Traumatic brain damage is one of the most severe injuries that can occur to the body thanks to the brain’s undeniable role in subconscious and conscious processes. From combat situations to athletic events, TBIs are becoming more common, but diagnosis is hindered by a multitude of factors including subjectivity and inaccessibility of diagnostic assessments. A brain information company provides reasonably priced, accessible, and portable analytic technology for the human brain that can be administered almost immediately in the field using a virtual SAS model. The technology is an accurate diagnostic tool that assesses brain function for neurologic and neuropsychiatric conditions and does not require specialty training for successful use. The implications of such a technology are large in magnitude due to the immediate need for more adequate and efficient tools to address brain injuries in several substantial arenas.
Each year, 62,000 adolescents ages 0-19 sustain brain injuries requiring hospitalization as the result of accidents, physical abuse and other causes. Diagnosing brain trauma in a child is extremely difficult due to their limited ability to communicate symptoms. With brain trauma, time is highly limited, as undiagnosed and untreated injuries can lead to lifelong physical and mental impairment due to the irreparable nature of brain tissue. Current methods of diagnosis are successful but inadequate due to limits in standardization, objectivity, and accessibility. Imagine a portable device as sleek and simple as a headset that can be available in every ambulance, with every school nurse, and on every sports field for use by the non-specialist.
It is estimated that there are 3.8 million brain injuries in the United States annually, which cost the health care industry nearly $76 B to treat. Alzheimer's disease affects 5.2 million Americans, with 460,000 new cases developing annually; costing the health care industry roughly $203 B/yr.
The company has developed a simple and portable headset-like system that can aid in the differentiation between brain dysfunction caused by diseases such as Alzheimer's and traumatic brain injuries such as concussions. While current approaches to diagnosis, which include EEG and MRI, are proving efficacious in detecting brain injury, the client’s solution successfully emulates this capacity and goes beyond the status quo by streamlining the entire diagnostic process from a data perspective. The combination of the novel sensory and data processing technologies makes for more standardized diagnoses. This specific product differentiates itself in the market because it accurately diagnoses brain disorders caused by particular traumas and the comprehensive, objective information is available to non-specialists such as sports trainers or doctors at primary care centers.
The company’s technology addresses the neuro-diagnostic & biomarker services market of $500 MM with a companion diagnostic (CDx) market opportunity of ≈$200 MM per CDx in the pharmaceutical space.
The company has raised $600 K in Seed money. In addition, $8 MM Series A equity round is prepared to take effect in 2014.
The expertise gained from over 1000 scans will facilitate brain health assessment to improve detection on the football field or gym, to provide quantitative evidence for post-traumatic stress disorder and to speed up drug discovery at the top pharmaceutical manufacturers.